Zurzeit werden nur die im Jahr 2022 erhobenen Daten präsentiert. Die Ergebnisse, die auf den im Herbst 2023 erhobenen Daten basieren, werden in Kürze verfügbar sein.
Das neue Dashboard mit den Daten für 2022 und 2023 ist auf Französisch verfügbar und wird demnächst auch auf Deutsch online gestellt.
Dieses Dashboard wurde für die Anzeige auf einem großen Bildschirm entworfen, daher kann es sein, dass die Anzeige auf einem Tablet oder Smartphone schwierig ist. Wenn die Anzeige auf Ihrem Bildschirm zu groß oder zu klein ist, passen Sie die Größe der Grafiken und Texte mit dem Zoom Ihres Browsers an. Bitte verwenden Sie Chrome und Microsoft Edge, um das Dashboard zu betrachten.
Healthcare professionals in Switzerland: two years of the SCOHPICA project
As a part of the SCOHPICA (Swiss COhort of Health Professionals and Informal CAregivers) cohort symposium series, we are pleased to invite you to the conference presented by
October 3 2024
12H30 – 13H30 – VIRTUAL FORMAT
During the last two years, over 5900 healthcare professionals participated in SCOHPICA. In this talk, we will discuss recent advancements in the SCOHPICA project and present main results, comparing them across the first two data collection years, i.e., 2022 and 2023. Furthermore, we will explore how various professional characteristics interact with well-being and the intention to stay in the profession. SCOHPICA continues to support the monitoring, planning and management of the Swiss health workforce by providing essential data to healthcare stakeholders.
Die Power-Point-Präsentation ist hier verfügbar (English)
Das Video ist hier verfügbar
Factors associated with the well-being and intention to stay of healthcare professionals in Switzerland: results from the SCOHPICA survey
PhD in Psychology, Institut et Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source
Statistician, Unisanté
August 31 2023
12H30 – 13H30 – VIRTUAL FORMAT
Over 1700 healthcare professionals were surveyed during the 1st data collection of the SCOHPICA national cohort. In this talk, we will explore in more detail the socio-professional data gathered and investigate their relationship with well-being and turnover intention. We will also examine how various factors such as workload, available resources, meaning of work, burnout or recognition at work, among others, are associated with professionals’ intention to stay in the profession and well-being. These findings may open up promising pathways for enhancing the satisfaction and retention of healthcare professionals in Switzerland.
The PowerPoint is available here (English)
You can watch the video here:

Presentation of the First Results
Head Physician
Department of Epidemiology and Health Systems
March 30 2023
The baseline survey collected data among 1853 healthcare professionals, exceeding the original target of 1500 participants and showing promising signs of data collection for this project. This is essential for the data to capture the reality experienced by healthcare professionals in the field. These first results will provide first hints on the current situation, working conditions, experience and well-being of the Swiss healthcare workforce.
The PowerPoint is available in English, German, French and Italian.
You can watch the video here:

An SCOHPICA teilzunehmen,
bedeutet konkret…
… jedes Jahr einen elektronischen Fragebogen zu beantworten (mittels Computer, Tablet oder Smartphone, benötigte Zeit ca. 30 bis 45 Minuten).
… die Möglichkeit, an einem Einzel- oder Gruppengespräch teilzunehmen (bei Interesse).