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4 juillet 2024
PAuSES: a student health service for informal caregivers.
As a part of the SCOHPICA (Swiss COhort of Health Professionals and Informal CAregivers) cohort symposium series, we are pleased to invite you to the conference presented by
Occupational Therapist and HES Lecturer. Doctor in educational science, Lecturer in occupational therapy at the ‘Haute École du Travail social et de la Santé de Lausanne’ and SCOHPICA ‘informal caregivers’ cohort coordinator.
4 Juillet 2024
12H30 – 13H30 – Webex (anglais)
PAuSES is a training-action program for all informal caregivers and future healthcare professionals. It has two objectives: to set up a support action for informal caregivers and to enable students to learn about the day-to-day reality of informal caregivers.
This conference presents the organization and benefits of a program combining professional training and a personal assistance service. Linked to the research of the SCOHPICA-PA project, PAuSES could also contribute to the development of research on informal caregivers.
La présentation sera bientôt disponible ici (anglais).
20 juin 2024
Les défis et difficultés des proches aidant·es : perspectives sur le burnout des aidant·es
Dans le cadre du déploiement du second volet du projet national d’intérêt public SCOHPICA (Swiss COhort of Health Professionals and Informal CAregivers) portant sur les proches aidant·es, Unisanté, le CHUV, la HES-SO et le Laboratoire d’Enseignement et de Recherche Prévention & Promotion de la santé dans la communauté (LER PPSC) de La Source ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence présentée par :
Chercheur post-doctoral et coordinateur scientifique de la psychologie de première ligne à l’Université libre de Bruxelles
20 juin 2024
17H – 19H – Institut et Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source, site de Beaulieu à Lausanne (français)
Les proches aidant·es apportent une aide précieuse à la fois aux personnes en perte d’autonomie et au système de santé en général. Si ce rôle peut leur apporter quelques avantages, il convient également d’explorer les difficultés qu’il peut poser.
La recherche sur le burnout fournit un cadre riche pour comprendre les difficultés qu’ils et elles rencontrent. Cette présentation fera un bref historique du concept de burnout des proches aidant·es et expliquera comment il répond aux principales limites de la littérature existante.
Sur la base d’un modèle (Informal Caregiving Integrative Model) et de résultats empiriques, une structure de facteurs de risque et de protection sera proposée pour mieux comprendre les sources de leurs difficultés. Cela nous permettra de mettre en évidence les points clés dans leur prise en compte, tant dans la recherche que dans la pratique clinique. Enfin, nous aborderons les perspectives du domaine dans les années à venir, notamment le rôle du projet SCOHPICA dans l’amélioration de notre compréhension des défis auxquels sont confrontés les proches aidant·es.
Le PowerPoint est disponible ici (Français).
La vidéo est disponible ici :
30 mai 2024
Les nombres maximaux de médecins, un outil à disposition des cantons : concepts et implications pratiques
Dans le cadre de la série de colloques de la cohorte SCOHPICA (Swiss COhort of Health Professionals and Informal CAregivers), nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence présentée par
Chef de projet scientifique, Observatoire suisse de la santé (Obsan)
Médecin cantonal adjoint, Office du médecin cantonal du canton de Vaud
30 mai 2024
12H30 – 13H30 – Webex (français)
Dans le but de limiter l’admission des médecins à pratiquer à charge de l’assurance-maladie, différents dispositifs transitoires ont été adoptés au niveau fédéral depuis 2001. Le Conseil fédéral a souhaité qu’une solution pérenne de pilotage des soins ambulatoires soit mise en place, laquelle a finalement été adoptée par le Parlement en 2020. Sur le mandat de l’Office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP), l’Observatoire suisse de la santé (Obsan) et le bureau BSS Volkswirtschaftliche Beratung ont développé une méthode portant sur la fixation de nombres maximaux de médecins qui fournissent des prestations ambulatoires. Reto Jörg présentera les grandes lignes de cette méthode, ainsi que ses points forts et ses limites. Ensuite, Julien Dupraz discutera comment ce dispositif est mis en œuvre dans le canton de Vaud.
Les présentations sont disponibles ici (français) :
La vidéo est disponible ici :
March 21 2024
The challenges and difficulties of informal caregivers: perspectives on caregiver burnout
As a part of the SCOHPICA (Swiss COhort of Health Professionals and Informal CAregivers) cohort symposium series, we are pleased to invite you to the conference presented by
Post-doctoral researcher and scientific coordinator for front-line psychology at the University libre de Bruxelles
March 21 2024
12H30 – 13H30 – VIRTUAL FORMAT
Informal Caregivers provide much-needed assistance both to the person with a loss of autonomy and to the care system in general. Despite the benefits this role can bring to caregivers, it is also worth exploring the difficulties it can pose. The research on burnout provides a rich framework for understanding the difficulties faced by caregivers. This presentation will provide a brief history of the concept of caregiver burnout and explain how it answers to major limitations in the existing literature. Based on a model (the Informal Caregiving Integrative Model) and empirical findings, a structure of risk and protective factors will be proposed to better understand the sources of caregivers’ difficulties. This will enable us to define key points of attention in the consideration of caregivers in both research and clinical practice. Finally, we will look at the prospects for the field, particularly the role of the SCOHPICA project in improving our understanding of the challenges facing informal caregivers in the years to come.
The PowerPoint is available here (English)
You can watch the video here:
December 7 2023
The Nursing profession and the transition from work to retirement – a German perspective
As a part of the SCOHPICA (Swiss COhort of Health Professionals and Informal CAregivers) cohort symposium series, we are pleased to invite you to the conference presented by
Department of Occupational Health Science, University of Wuppertal, Germany
December 7 2023
12H30 – 13H30 – VIRTUAL FORMAT
How do older workers anticipate their transition to retirement? This question will be addressed based on recent data from the representative German lidA-Study. The focus of the presentation lies on nursing.
In Germany, most older workers want to leave employment much earlier than legal retirement age. The dominant reasons given indicate the wish for a self-determined life. Poor work and health problems rank 4th and 5th. Nurses would like to exit earlier than other professional groups with a stronger impact of poor work and health problems. Yet, this profession also exhibits resources. A new concept will be presented to promote longer working of older nurses in hospitals in Germany.
The PowerPoint is available here (English)
You can watch the video here:
November 23 2023
Early professional careers of nurses in Switzerland – Results of a longitudinal study after career start
As a part of the SCOHPICA (Swiss COhort of Health Professionals and Informal CAregivers) cohort symposium series, we are pleased to invite you to the conference presented by
Researcher & Lecturer, Zurich University of Applied Sciences
November 23 2023
12H30 – 13H30 – VIRTUAL FORMAT
In a long-term study, the ZHAW School of Health Sciences examined the career trajectories of a cohort of nurses who graduated in 2011/12 in Switzerland. The project was part of the Competence Network Health Workforce CNHW, a cooperation between Universities of Applied Sciences in Health in Switzerland. Six years after graduation more than 600 nurses participated in the final survey, representing 38% of the 2011/12 cohort. The research highlights that the early years in a nursing career involve professional development and frequent job transitions. Potential retention measures include improving working conditions, addressing work-life balance issues, and increasing recognition.
The PowerPoint is available here (English)
You can watch the video here:
August 31 2023
Factors associated with the well-being and intention to stay of healthcare professionals in Switzerland: results from the SCOHPICA survey
As a part of the SCOHPICA (Swiss COhort of Health Professionals and Informal CAregivers) cohort symposium series, we are pleased to invite you to the conference presented by
PhD in Psychology, Institut et Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source
Statistician, Unisanté
August 31 2023
12H30 – 13H30 – VIRTUAL FORMAT
Over 1700 healthcare professionals were surveyed during the 1st data collection of the SCOHPICA national cohort. In this talk, we will explore in more detail the socio-professional data gathered and investigate their relationship with well-being and turnover intention. We will also examine how various factors such as workload, available resources, meaning of work, burnout or recognition at work, among others, are associated with professionals’ intention to stay in the profession and well-being. These findings may open up promising pathways for enhancing the satisfaction and retention of healthcare professionals in Switzerland.
The PowerPoint is available here (English)
You can watch the video here:
May 4 2023
STRAIN – Work-related stress among health professionals in Switzerland: It is all about the leaders
As a part of the SCOHPICA (Swiss COhort of Health Professionals and Informal CAregivers) cohort symposium series, we are pleased to invite you to the conference presented by
Head of innovation Field Healthcare – Personnel Development,
Department of Health Professions
Bern University of Applied Sciences
May 4 2023
The STRAIN study was an intervention study with data from a total of 19’000 health professionals. Within this framework, a training program for managers was developed and evaluated. The results show what the main reasons are for leaving the profession early and where to focus. Results and recommendations are available here. In the follow-up project STRAIN II, organizations can implement and evaluate recommendations.
You can watch the video here:
March 30 2023:
SCOHPICA: Presentation of the First Results
The first phase of the Swiss Cohort of Health Professionals and Informal Caregivers (SCOHPICA) survey was completed on 31st of January 2023 and we are therefore pleased to present the first descriptive results.
Head Physician
Department of Epidemiology and Health Systems
March 30 2023
The baseline survey collected data among 1853 healthcare professionals, exceeding the original target of 1500 participants and showing promising signs of data collection for this project. This is essential for the data to capture the reality experienced by healthcare professionals in the field. These first results will provide first hints on the current situation, working conditions, experience and well-being of the Swiss healthcare workforce.
The PowerPoint is available in English, German, French and Italian.
You can watch the video here:
March 2 2023:
Health and Care Workforce in Europe: Time to Act
As a part of the SCOHPICA (Swiss COhort of Health Professionals and Informal CAregivers) cohort symposium series, we are pleased to invite you to the conference presented by
Regional Advisor, Health Workforce and Service Delivery
Division of Country HEalth Policies and Systems
WHO Regional Office for Europe
March 2 2023
All health systems are facing serious health and care workforce issues. The time to act is now; the situation is a « ticking time bomb ». In this context, WHO has prepared a report that describes the health and care workforce situation in the European Region and identifies policy options. The results of this report will be presented and discussed during the presentation of Tomas Zapata
The PowerPoint is available here (English)
You can watch the video here:
26 January 2023:
The medicine in Australia: balancing employement and life (MABEL) panel of doctors. Lessons of engagement
As a part of the SCOHPICA (Swiss COhort of Health Professionals and Informal CAregivers) cohort symposium series, we are pleased to invite you to the conference presented by
Professor at the Melbourne Institute:
Applied Economic and Social Research
JANUARY 26 2023
MABEL was a panel survey of around 10,000 doctors per year, which ran between 2008 and 2018. This presentation will describe the main features of the MABEL survey, and then outline the MABEL plan for policy engagement, the extent to which it was achieved, and what we would do differently if we did it all again.
Language: English
The PowerPoint is available here (English)
You can watch the video here:
17 novembre 2022:
Besoin et offre en relève dans le domaine des soins: éclairage du rapport national sur le personnel de santé 2021
Dans le cadre de la série de colloques de la cohorte SCOHPICA (Swiss COhort of Health Professionals and Informal CAregivers), nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence modérée par Prof Annie Oulevey Bachmann:
Dans son troisième rapport national, l’Obsan fournit une estimation des besoins en personnel de soins et d’accompagnement à l’horizon 2029. Pour ces analyses, on considère non seulement l’évolution des besoins de la population mais également les départs à la retraite et sorties précoces de la profession. Grâce à l’intense activité de formation de ces dernières années, le taux de couverture des besoins de relève s’est amélioré mais un écart conséquent persiste entre l’offre et les besoins pour le personnel infirmier.
Dre Clémence Merçay, Cheffe de projet scientifique, Obsan – CH.
Vous pouvez regarder la vidéo de la présentation ici :
22 septembre 2022:
Journée de lancement de SCOHPICA !
Toutes les personnes travaillant sur le projet se réuniront et la récolte de données commencera avec le questionnaire sur les professionnel·le·s.
“If the health workforce were a patient, it would be on life support”
Donnée par Ivy Bourgeault, professeure de sociologie et anthropologie à l’Université de Ottawa (Canada). Ses travaux portent sur les professionnel·le·s de santé dans une perspective de genre.
D’autres conférences sur la thématique des professionnel·le·s de la santé seront également au programme.